Home Is Where The Heart Is: How To Avoid Problems When Buying Your First Home

You've finally got the money saved for your down payment, and your credit score is up where it should be. You're ready to go out and buy your first home. Before you head out the door, make sure you're prepared to avoid the pitfalls that can befall the first-time home buyer. You might not realize this now, but there are a great many pitfalls that can completely derail your efforts to buy that first home. Here are three tips that will help you avoid problems, and help you achieve your goal of becoming a homeowner.

Never Shop Without Your Real Estate Agent

You may think that looking for homes without a real estate agent is a safe thing to do, but it could actually cause you some serious problems. The last thing you want to do is shop for a home without the assistance of a real estate agent, especially if this is your first time entering the real estate market. Before you start looking for homes, hire an experienced real estate agent. Not only will you be gaining their expertise, you'll also be gaining their access to the best houses on the market in your area.

Always Give Your Agent the Real Numbers

When it comes to working with a real estate agent or firm like Century 21 Investment Realtors, you need to remember that they have your best interest in mind. They want to be able to find the best house for you. However, they can't do that if they don't know what your actual housing budget is. When you sit down with your agent, make sure you give them the real numbers regarding your housing budget. If you cut the budget short so you can avoid going over, you may miss out on finding a home that would be a perfect match for you. Instead, let your agent know what your actual budget is. If you're worried about going over, let your agent know that the budget is firm.

Never Go With the First Lender You Talk To

Once you find a home, you'll need to find a lender. It can be tempting to go with the first lender who approves you for a loan. However, that's not always the best option. To make sure you're getting the best deal for your home loan, make sure you speak to a few different lenders. That way, when you sign the final loan documents, you'll know that you're getting the best deal for your new home.
